About Me

Barrington, IL, United States
I am a amateur wildlife photographer who lives in Barrington Illinois. I will use this blog to display my photographs and share the story of how I captured them. Hopefully, anyone reading this blog will venture outdoors and learn all they can about nature. I am convinced that you first have to learn about something to care about something.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Great Turkey photos

Last night I had 3 gobblers come into the blind and hang around for about 90 minutes. They never strutted but I did get lots of great shots.

This morning I snuck up to within 15 feet of some gobblers. They were on the other side of a fence and a brush line. I could see their fans and sometimes their heads. I had the safety off and started to squeeze the trigger once but it just was not a responsible shot. There was too much stuff between me and them so I did not. Then I tried to get even closer and spooked them. When you are within 15 feet of several gobblers, do not try to get any closer. LOL

My new sniper suit is awesome BTW. Hopefully I'll get some pics up tonight.


  1. So are you hunting too? I'm not sure I'll ever make it out. We start a bunch of new expts Monday that are all day, every day.

  2. So where are the pictures? Glad your having fun hunting, I'm not able to go this year.
