About Me

Barrington, IL, United States
I am a amateur wildlife photographer who lives in Barrington Illinois. I will use this blog to display my photographs and share the story of how I captured them. Hopefully, anyone reading this blog will venture outdoors and learn all they can about nature. I am convinced that you first have to learn about something to care about something.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Quite an experience

This morning I was back at Jane's ranch. She and I had our blinds right next to each other and were set up before daylight.

I will remember this morning for the rest of my life. The birds came onto the lek and were all around our blinds before it was light enough to see anything. They were booming and making their lonesome call and dancing by quickly stomping their feet on the grass. The birds were so close we could hear their feet hitting the earth. I knew it was too dark to try to photograph anything so I laid in the bottom of my blind and just listened.

I would hate to overstate this but hearing those birds that close definitely had an effect on me. I could lay there and imagine unknown Native Americans over thousands of years waking up listening to that call. The photographer for the Missouri Department of Conservation wrote, "they sounded lonely and sad. The calls penetrated my soul like a spirit whispering in my ears." Wow, I could not agree more. This is one of those things that might sound cheesy unless you experienced it for yourself.

I will write more about this experience later. For now I will just say that it was one of the more meaningful moments in my life and I will never forget it. Jane said it all when after exiting her blind she said, "I cant think of a better way to spend Easter morning." I could not agree more.

These are two of the photographs that I got. I'm just spent a few minutes looking through the 300 shots I got this morning and picked out two to put up on this blog. I have several that are quite good IMO.


  1. I know nothing about these creatures, i may need to buy you lunch to hear more. Great photos.

  2. Pam, you do not have to buy me lunch to talk. LOL

  3. It was great to meet you last weekend. Sounds like you had better luck here than the Konza Prairie. I'll have some photos up soon, including those on a lek I found while driving the backroads around Manhattan.
