About Me

Barrington, IL, United States
I am a amateur wildlife photographer who lives in Barrington Illinois. I will use this blog to display my photographs and share the story of how I captured them. Hopefully, anyone reading this blog will venture outdoors and learn all they can about nature. I am convinced that you first have to learn about something to care about something.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


This afternoon I was struggling to get something written for work so I grabbed my blind, camera, lenses and laptop and took off. I rode my bike and trailer down to the local park where I had seen muskrats before and set up. After about ten minutes I had plenty of shooting and writing opportunities.


  1. Cool one.They shure look like rats swimming;-)

  2. First time I visited Jim's grandparents farm, his grandfather was down at the pond sitting on the bank waiting for muskrats to pop up their heads....then he blasted them with his rifle! He was a cool old guy with the patience to sit there as long as it took.
